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Posted by on 2013 Jun 5 |

GuildFest 409 Faves

GuildFest 409 Faves

Everyone agrees there is lots to see at the Festival. Experienced Festival attendees can probably tell you when and where half the things being sold there were sold before. But sooner or later, everything old is new again.

There’s a nostalgia shop of moldie oldies, and if you catch the gypsy lass, she’s selling some of the original keepsakes of the realms. Back in the day, dragon heart rings were a prized treasure that men hunted for, and died many times, just to be able to bring one home to their sweethearts.

Osgeth’s finally opened up a few days late, and much to everyone’s surprise, he not only had barbarian’s war paint and supplies, he was selling dyes for crafted goods!

Auntie Phanie’s seems to be another shop people are talking about over and over. She made a personal appearance today, making alterations with her incredible talent and skill – as long as there was a bow on it. Bystanders reported seeing some rough and tough guys taking their name off of that list!

Hide and Seek is another favorite, with many different kinds of hiders to fit with all sorts of lifestyles. Right next to that is Turialo’s Haven, and her caravan is exquisite! You’ll find true gems in here, and not just in her artful jewelry.

No Guts, No Gory is getting more attention than is right to be spoke of in public. And there’s a number of people sporting catgut tying up their hair these after the Festival opened. Goods For Life is also attracting a fair number of customers with their fair prices.

The stacking herb cases, the warhorns, the skinning knives, the cambrinth, the aevenstone jewelry, the toe socks (!), and ashcloaks are more things that people are talking about – and buying.

Bards are discussing the back rooms of Bardic Journey, several ladies are talking about their new beaus, and everyone is waiting around in hopes to see one of the artisans in person.

But what was the hands-down favorite answer to people I approached as I wandered GuildFest 409 and asked them what was their favorite thing?

Seeing and visiting with other people. They said it in different ways, but it was more the draw of friends than the shopping, and the end of the day.