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Posted by on 2005 Oct 13 |

The Day of the Theater Opening in Theren Fast Approaches!

(96 Lirisa 381)

The day of celebration for Lord Gyfford’s new theater in Therenborough will soon be upon us!

This coming Saturday, October 15th, there will be a number of things sponsored by His Grace to celebrate his theater, and to celebrate the arts. There will be small, artistic, contests during the day with feasting for all!! It is rumored that His Grace has convinced some traveling merchants to set up shop in the Quadrangle for the celebration, and Lady Trigomas had sent an invitation to the Poet Rancois of Mer’Kresh and he has replied that if he can sober up long enough he will visit Theren also that day. There are also rumors of some other interesting activities, one of which it is said that our the Baron’s own Court Bardess has begged for – let’s hope it worked!

The tentative schedule of events is as follows:

Bad Joke Contest 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Informal Busking 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Dance Contest 1:00 pm
Story in the Round, Song in the Round 3:00
Impromptu Story Contest 4:00
Impromptu Limerick Contest 6:00
Buffet 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Grand Song & Story Tournament 9:00

The Grand Song and Story Tournament requires preregistration by Friday, October 14th, by emailing me at All others – just show up!

Lastly, Daerlynn will be opening up the theater with a memorial song for Ailyssa. It is an IG song script which is synchronized with an mp3 file, called The Ash and the Willow. She may also be doing her Hymn to Therengia as well, which is also an mp3. Both files, along with instructions, may be found at

Try and show up and show your support of the arts!
