In Preparation For War
(168 Uthmor 374)
Attention all good citizens! A dreadful war is coming to Elanthia and everyone’s help is needed. Every citizen can contribute in some way! This article includes who you should speak to in order to become involved!
Let it be known that the following adventurers are leaders in the fight against the legions of evil. The people below have been commissioned as Commanders, leaders of groups in the fight against those evil forces which seek the destruction of the very life as we know it. If you wish to become involved, please contact any of the persons listed below. Everyone can help save our lands!
Commander Allarsk
Commander Ashatyr
Commander Bilgrath
Commander Candidus
Commander Chasitee
Commander Chellene, Zoluren Navy
Commander Ciroce
Commander Galain
Commander Ibec
Commander Nirveli
Commander Ocelott
Captain Owaen of the Zoluren Lancers
Commander Paschein
Commander Pureblade
Commander Rayth
Commander Redarch
Commander Sammee
Commander Scandi
Commander Trantris
Commander Wordachy
Commander Xailan
Commander Xixist
In addition, the following persons are Provincial Guards as decreed by Prince Vorclaf:
Opreina Moracul Zoranyl
Kaith-Khalor Kaovales
Respectfully submitted by request of Commander Scandi,
Skylira Mer’Luna, Moon Mage