Ships Arrive for Prepaid Transport to Qi’Reshalia
(Crossing, Zoluren: 249 Moliko 356)
They gathered as inconspicuously as they could at the docks, waiting for the first private ships to arrive at the Crossing, fully booked and reserved for many months in advance to take them to Qi’Reshalia.
Those who had purchased the first tickets at the Gala Gathering (Simucon ’98) had waited anxiously for word when the docks would be complete and receiving passenger ships.
The word is that all seats on the ships have been booked for several days by these people. After that, I understand that Landowners have then reserved all seats on ships up until around the 276th day of the year.
The journey is very long. Those who took the first ships reported that it took almost a day to arrive (4 or 5 hours). But later captains were evidently more skilled on the seas and the journey is reported to be accomplished now in a quarter of that time.
Reports coming back in are scarce, but they tell of a huge place of many wonders, and tourist announcements encourage plenty of pocket change for the many and various expenses incurred there.
Phaedra is making some maps available, as complete as can be accomplished in such a short time. Travellers are encouraged to keep an eye peeled regularly and pick one up as part of their packing and journey preparations.