Public Forum in Leth Deriel
(Leth Deriel, Zoluren: 228 Arhat 356)
There will be an open public forum tomorrow (Sunday) evening at 10 PM EST. The purpose of this forum is to address the status of the prisoner Ralel. The people of Leth hope to reach a peaceful resolution in this matter with the neighboring province of Illithi.
The people would also like to address the issue of Lindryl Jinsaith’s conduct as mayor of Leth and diplomatic envoy to Illithi during this incident. It has come to our attention that she has shown utter disregard for the safety and well-being of her people on several occasions. We have reason to question her motives, and her capacity to govern over our children’s futures, and those of our own.
All are welcome to attend, but please be courteous and have your bleeders healed beforehand. Please keep extraneous noise and movement to a minimum. A speaker will address the forum, and present the issues at hand, followed by an opportunity for the mayor to address the public, if she is in attendance. Then the floor will be opened for responses in an orderly manner. The purpose of this forum is to present the issues at hand, then allow everyone an equal opportunity to have their opinion’s heard. Speaking out of turn will NOT be tolerated. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there.
-Tirsten Evanwood