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Posted by on 1998 Jul 5 |

Calling all Playwrights!

(Crossing, Zoluren: 276 Moliko 354)


In the fine city of the Crossing there will be held on Sunday, July 26th a playwrighting festival! Any writers of plays, skits, scenes, dialogues, stories, etc. are invited to perform at this event, which will be held in the Bard D’Or’s Shop, in the Backroom.

If you would like to participate in this (I’m sure you’ve all got lots of plays out there), just write any play and then write to me. You do not need to be a Bard by profession to enter (in case you were wondering). Please also include whether you can come at 4 or 9 or both. 4 is preferable.

It is a rather long way away, so if you have not yet written a play but would like to, there is still time to write!

-Iulio Stravinsky