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Posted by on 1997 Jun 15 |

Engraver’s Shoppe Opening Soon?

(Therenborough, Therengia: 1st day of Shorka 351)

In a welcome turn of events, an engraver’s shoppe has been started in Therenborough. Still under construction at the time of this accounting, the shoppe will serve as a service to remodel weapons and armour to suit adventurer’s needs. Different models, ranging from etchings of the World Dragon to cuts of wolves and religious saints such as Lirisa the Archer, will be part of the featured services. This new service has been brought to you by the great Baron himself in the northern realm of Therenborough.

The shoppe is not open at the moment, but will be opening soon. Smart shoppers will be keeping a wary eye out for the announcement of the completion of the shop.